Friday, September 4, 2009

Always, Sometimes, Never

I always
*want chips and cheese
*know exactly how much is in my bank account
*give my sleeping kids extra kisses on their heads before I go to bed
*like to grocery shop
*wanted a big family
*talk to God
*am thankful for my husband

I sometimes
*leave dirty diapers on our bed after I change Troy in the morining
*go out to eat, even though I know we don't have enough money
*dream about high school, never the people - always the school work
*don't look at the weather and dress my kids totally inappropriately
*admit to my Facebook addiction - but not often
*watch bad reality tv shows

I never
*stop worrying about my family
*go anywhere without my purple calendar
*stop thinking "how does my hair look"
*let my family take the Lord's name in vain without a lecture
*want to regret my life

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