Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Lousy News!

Well, I got a call from the audiologist at the E.N.T.'s office today...

Troy's information has been submitted to the insurance company, but only for 1 cochlear implant (left ear) instead of bilaterials. This is because the state of Michigan can only implant babies a 1 year if they are profoundly deaf.

Troy is severe-profoundly deaf in his right ear. This means he cannot hear anything unless it is 90 db or higher (standing right next to a jackhammer). Apparently he can get the cochlear implant on his right ear when he is 2.

Yes, this means he can still have bilateral implants, but at 2 different times. Two different surgeries, 2 recovery periods, twice as must anxiety for us...


Susannah said...

that IS lousy news!

have you considered contacting let them hear foundation? their advocates are the ones who got us monrovia's surgery before one year. and they are AWESOME.

it is worth a try!

Assistant Ring Master said...

so sorry to hear that disappointing news!

Amos5141 said...

sorry to hear that. we will continue to pray that another door will open for different opportunities. Take Care

Amos5141 said...
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rankinlm said...

Thanks for the update, Shel! It's not the best news but I'm so happy that there's still potential for some hearing soon.

Kim M said...

That is sad news, but is it the final decision or is this something you can fight? This gives us something to pray specifically for Troy and you guys. Keep us posted.

Unknown said...

bummer. when's the surgery again?

Jenny- Sienna's mom said...

Sorry to hear about that, hang in there. Like Susannah said, there might be advocates out there who are willing to help you fight for 2, good luck.