Monday, September 27, 2010

I suck...

Well...I suck.

Yup...I do.


That's why.

So let's start updating:

Troy turned 2 on Saturday! 2 years old already! How the time flies. He has been attending his special D/HH school for 2 1/2 weeks and LOVES every morning. In the afternoons he is bussed to Kindercare. He loves it there too! He loves the bus. He loves his teachers at both school and daycare.
Troy can now say Mama, Dada, Owwww, and Uh-oh!
**Big news: Troy has his 2nd cochlear implant surgery next Thursday. Yup...he will be bilateral! I'm scared to death for his surgery, but am very excited that his world of sound will be increasing!**
Dean is in 3rd grade this year! Yikes! He is excited to learn cursive and do math at a harder level. His reading is still several levels behind, but we are working on getting him "level appropriate" books to help him. Dean is attending after-school care this year. He absolutely loves being able to go there after school, eat a health snack and play games. He even promised he would make me something to hang on my rearview mirror out of fuse beads.
Brady & Daniella:
Brady is in 4th grade and Daniella is now in 6th. Both kids seem to really be loving their school (the little they want to talk about it on the weekends we see them). They are being bombarded with loads of fundraisers that we are trying our best to stay clear of :)
Thom & I:
Thom and I are doing really well! Both working 40 hour weeks and enjoying our jobs. On top of our normal day jobs, Thom teaches 1 night a week and attends school for his master's program 1 night a week. I run a kitchen for a churched based recovery program 1 night a week and attend choir 1 night a week (additonal nights are needed if I'm on praise/worship team that week). Thom feels like his life is lived with his nose in his book and I feel as if I live at church.
On top of all that we are also re-doing our basement. We are in the beginning stages of changing our very large family room into 2 more bedrooms. So far we have torn down the original walls, pulled up the carpet and bought the 2x4s. We have also gotten 2 egress windows installed to make them legal bedrooms.
So...why are we increasing our space? Oh yeah...I'm 22 weeks pregnant! That's right! In approx 16 week we will be welcoming a little GIRL to our family! We are so thrilled!

1 comment:

Assistant Ring Master said...

Congratulations! So happy for you! Praying for a happy, healthy pregnancy and delivery for you :)